Interior details.

by - February 11, 2016

Apologies I've been a bit absent on my blog. In september I moved flats, got a temporary job, went on a few too many trips and sort of forgot all about it but I want to start keeping up to date with my blog again. Anyway, it's taken a while but I finally feel like we've got our flat looking and feeling like  a home. I love looking at interiors on instagram, blogs and pinterest to get ideas and it's really helped get the flat looking how we want it to. I like minimalism to an extent but I love adding little home accessories to make it look cosier and more personal and I also love mid century modern style furniture and the whole mad men vibe to interiors so I've tried to put a little bit of that into the flat too. Some of my favourite pieces were from an auction: the 60's side board and matching dining table were a bargain too compared to some I have seen on etsy and ebay so I would definitely check out local auctions before splurging.

Frames-ikea and tiger, Grease print-phie hackett on etsy

instax frame- urban outfitters
LA print- john lewis, candle-primark
Boxes- HAY

Candle-primark, vases-ikea, candle-urban outfitters

candle holder- HAY
chair and table-IKEA, cushion-H&M, blanket- West Elm, candle holder- urban outfitters, coasters-M&S

Lamp-ikea, record rack-ebay

trays-HAY, candles and holder- H&M

Book and plate-anthropologie, candle-john lewis, candle holder-

lamp-ASDA, frame-paperchase

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